WAKE UP time is 6 a.m
Medication is administered every 4 hours, 4 times a day beginning at 8 a.m.
Treatment Schedule:
The treatment schedule varies somewhat from day-to-day depending on planned activities, speakers, 12 step groups etc. A group treatment and activities schedule is posted daily on the bulletin board. Your primary therapist schedules individual and family sessions.
Breakfast- 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Lunch- 11:30-130 p.m.
Dinner- 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Smoke breaks are given after each meal and one before bed. Minors are not allowed to smoke.
At 10:30 p.m. – Patients must be in their rooms.
At 11:30 p.m. -Lights out on week days.
At 12:30 a.m.- Lights out on weekends.
The medical doctor on staff has complete responsibility for the withdrawal management. The doctor authorizes admission into the program and is responsible for the treatment plan.
Our highly trained nursing staff is closely involved with all aspects of the Withdrawal management. The nurse admits the patient into the program and monitors the progress of the patient daily. The Nurse is responsible for screenings, making medical appointments, administering medications (if necessary) and providing education about your health care needs.
The psychiatrist performs psychiatric evaluations as needed to determine the treatment plan for the patient. Since we specialize in mental health & substance abuse services, our psychiatrist or psychologist will work with clients who may have conditions such as major depression, PTSD, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.
The counselors in the withdrawal and residential programs are a key part of our treatment planning process. Individual counselors enable patients to express their feelings and educate the patients about the ill effects of alcohol and other drugs. They offer suggestions on alternative coping skills.
Spiritual Counselor
Our spiritual counselor is experienced in relating to various religious denominations. Spiritual counseling focuses on building faith, using a higher power in recovery and addressing patient concerns.
Recipient Rights Advisor
At Quality Behavioral Health, Inc., the patient is entitled to their rights. Our advisor is available to discuss any complaints or issues the client may have. Please feel free to talk to them if a need arises.
- All patients must wear appropriate undergarments. Men must wear under pants or boxer shorts and women must wear a bra and underwear at all times with the exception of sleeping
- Shorts must be loose fitting and appropriate
- Spandex is not allowed
- For safety purposes, all patients are required to have protective shoes/slippers on their feet. Socks, footies or bare feet are not acceptable
- All clothing: shirt, pant, hats, etc. must be free of drug, alcohol, abusive, demeaning or provocative logos and/or slogans
- It is recommended to keep a jacket or sweater with you as temperatures in the building may fluctuate throughout the day. Hats, scarves, head rags, bandannas, sunglasses, etc. are not to be worn in the building. You will be given an opportunity to gather such items from your room for outdoor activities
- QBH staff has the right to request a change of attire if anything is deemed inappropriate
- Withdrawal patients are only allowed to bring limited personal care items, prescription medication (which must be surrendered to the nurse) and two religious or self-help books
- Items that are not permitted or whose value exceeds $10 must be given to program staff for safekeeping
- Patients in the residential program are allowed 5 outfits; limited personal care items, religious or self help literatures and footwear. Residential patients may keep hard candy in their possession
Rules of Etiquette Everyone Should Know (and Follow!)
- Staff will examine your belongings during admission. You are not allowed to bring cigarette lighters, radios, hand-held televisions, cell phones, pagers, walkmen, l-pods, mp3 players, pocket PCs, or any electronics.
- Patients are expected to attend all treatment activities in a prompt manner and comply with daily scheduled rules. The treatment day begins at 6:00 a.m.; and beds should be made prior to commencement of any activity of the day. Rooms must be neat and clean at all times. No food or drink is allowed in patients’ rooms. Random room inspections will be done throughout your stay.
- We expect attendance at all meals and all patients must be present in the dining area prior to meals being served. All food items and beverages must remain in the dining room.
- During group sessions, we do not allow smoking, eating or drinking. We also ask that you refrain from leaving the group without permission. Breaks will be given at regular intervals for smoking, snacking or use of the rest rooms.
- It is essential that all information presented in groups and individual treatment sessions, including patient names and issues discussed, remain completely confidential. This is necessary in order to build a sense of trust and confidence in the recovery process. However, if you feel that another patient is presetting information that may endanger themselves or other patients, it is appropriate to discuss your concerns with a staff member.
- Patients may not leave the building without permission or without a staff escort. To determine the necessity of leaving the unit for a medical consultation, court date or aftercare interview, the patient must receive prior approval from a therapist or the physician. Upon the patient’s return to the facility the patient’s belongings will be searched and a drug screening may be administered. Verification of the visit must be produced on a specified form. Withdrawal patients are not allowed to leave the premises with the exception of medical emergencies.
- In the event of a fire or other disaster, an alarm will be activated. Staff will provide instructions and assist patients in an orderly evacuation plan.
- Visitation is allowed after the patient has been in the residential program for at least 15 days and must be approved by a counselor. No visitations are allowed while patient is in Withdrawal.
- Visitation is allowed in the designated areas only. Visitors are not allowed in the patient’s rooms and must sign in at the security desk. All packages must be checked. We do not allow family members to bring food or beverages. Any visitor that is disruptive or under the influence will be asked to leave.
- Phones are available for the residential program. Withdrawal patients are not allowed any phone calls.
- Patients may only take medication that is approved by the unit physician. Prescription medications are administered by the nurse at the nurses’ station and are not to be stored in the patient’s rooms. Patients are not allowed to give medication to anyone.
- Windows are to be kept closed and locked at all times.
- Sexual activity of any kind is strictly prohibited and will amount to immediate termination from the program.
- At the time of discharge, you are requested to remove all the linens from your bed and put them in one of the linen carts. Scrubs and storage boxes are to be returned to the staff on duty.
- Possession of any prohibited item may result in termination from the program
- Patients in the residential program are not allowed to keep more than $20 on their person
- Staff will examine your belongings during admission. You are not allowed to bring cigarette lighters, radios, hand-held televisions, cell phones, pagers, walkmen, l-pods, mp3 players, pocket PCs, or any electronics
Rules and regulations at QBH are designed to promote and protect all patients through the process of recovery
If the rules are not followed, staff will use the following disciplinary actions, depending on the level of violation:
Verbal warning — may resume program with compliance
Probation – Specific conditions for compliance are discussed
Behavioral Contract — Specific behavioral plans must be formulated based on treat treatment needs
1st write-up – Loss of privileges for half day
- There is no visitation during Withdrawals. Residential, IOP-D, and LIR clients may be authorized visitations by their counselors after being in the program for a total of 15 days (not including Withdrawal).
- No more than $10.00 is allowed in Withdrawal and no more than $20.00 is allowed in the residential programs.
- Withdrawal patients are allowed the opportunity to make one phone call at admission and one after being discharged. If you do not get through, you will not be given another opportunity to make a call until you have been medically discharged. Clients leaving AMA will not be allowed to make a phone call. There is no exception to this rule. Clients stepping down from Withdrawal to QBH’s Residential program will have to obtain a pass from their counselor in order to make a phone call. Passes are usually issued after 14 days. Phone calls for medical, legal, and insurance reasons are the only exceptions to this rule.
- Patients are not allowed to fraternize with other clients or staff members.
- No loitering in the halls or at the monitor and/or nurse’s station.
- No loitering in other client’s bedrooms, you are only allowed to enter the bedroom assigned to you.
- A clear visualization of your bed must be maintained at all times.
- You are required to attend all unit activities (AA, NNA, Alanon, Didactics, Group and Counseling Sessions) unless you have been given specific permission by the program director to be excused from a particular activity.
- Clients are not to leave their unit unless escorted by a staff person.
- No sexual activities between clients, or staff and clients at any time. If there is any inappropriate sexual behavior all parties involved will be discharged immediately.
- Smoking is only permitted during designated times and at the designated smoking area. Any violations of this will result in termination from the program.
- Food and drinks are not permitted on the floor other than in the designated eating area.
- Profanity is not tolerated, if you continue to use profanity after being warned, you will be terminated from the program.
- Stealing, borrowing, bartering and gambling are not allowed.
- Unauthorized possession and/or use of any intoxicants, narcotics or controlled substances will result in immediate termination from the program.
- Do not take any food/drink out of the dining area.
- Patients must follow the program schedule. Patients are to groom themselves at least twice a day (showering, washing themselves, brushing their teeth and combing their hair). Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times. In the residential program, clients are allowed to bring up to four sets of clothing, two pairs of shoes, one pair of house slippers, a few pairs of underwear and socks.
- NO shorts that are above hands-width above the knee, no see-through garments, biker pants, sunglasses, leather clothing, halter tops, muscle shirts, or silk shirts.
- All beds are to be made before leaving the room for any activity.
- Electronic devices are prohibited, including cameras, video or audio equipment, CD/tape players/recorders or any other kind of recording device, cell phones, or beepers. If any of these prohibited items are found in the rooms, they will be destroyed and discarded.
- Clients are not allowed to leave their automobiles in the parking lot or around the building. Clients must have someone else drop them off.
- Yelling or loud talking is not permitted.
- While in Withdrawal, all medications must be prescribed, authorized by the staff physician and administered by the medical staff. Patients administer their own medications in the residential programs but the medications must be kept locked by the program staff under the nurse’s supervision.
- Withholding medication, palming, stealing, or selling medications is not allowed and will result in an immediate discharge.
- You are expected to tidy up the day room after each meal on a rotating basis.
- Each client is entitled to sit in one chair in the day room, no propping feet up on the chairs or lying in the chairs.
- Stealing from staff and/or clients may result in an immediate discharge.
- Use of or possession of drugs and/or alcohol
- Violence or threats of violence
- Fraternizing with other persons
- Violation of smoking policy
- Possession of any type of weapon, i.e. guns knives, etc.
- Physical contact – i.e. sexual misconduct or inappropriate behavior