Outpatient Programs

OUTPATIENT (including FDA approved drugs - Methadone, Suboxone or Vivitrol)
QBH started a MAT program where we are assisting clients with methadone, vivitrol and suboxone. We are servicing clients from both Wayne and Macomb counties. QBH recently had a survey from the State of Michigan and was approved for a Substance Abuse License to open a new inpatient facility to provide withdrawal management, residential and outpatient services. We are applying for outpatient treatment (level 1)
Outpatient consumers are provided with a strong support network of non-using peers and sponsors. This level of treatment requires a component of group therapy and support groups like AA and NA, which provide a new, positive element of social change in the consumer’s life and facilitates long-term recovery. The program focuses on family support and involvement, and an immediately positive element is that the consumer can automatically apply the lessons learned from the outpatient program to their daily experiences.
The sustained recovery focus of QBH’s outpatient program acknowledges that recovery is a long-term process of internal change in which progress occurs in stages. Two critical support systems for outpatient consumers are mutual self-help engagement and reintegration with family and community through such resources as religious, recreational and social organizations.